Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Reasons Why People Refuse Getting Insurances

“I will talk to my wife/husband about it.” “I can’t afford it.” These are some of the usual excuses we hear from people. Name it, we have heard it! There are other reasons why people refuse insurance services in Miami, F...

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Things to Know before Getting an Insurance

People need insurance for protection and financial support for accidents, medical emergencies, hospitalization, fire, death, etc. But before signing those papers, do you have an idea of what you are getting into? You have to do some research first an...

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Factors to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance

Health insurance can cover your medical, dental, and surgical expenses. Some health plans can also cover the cost of prescription medication which can either be in the form of reimbursements or directly paid for by the healthcare provider. Hence, hav...

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Top Reasons Why You Need Home Insurance Right Now

Buying a home can be the biggest expense that a person can make during their lifetime. Unfortunately, with this expense come huge risks. In fact, as a provider of insurance services in Miami, Florida at Tremendo Insurance, we will even go so far as t...

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Common Types of Insurance Policies

It’s always nice to live comfortable lives. This means we are able to meet our needs and those of our family members. This is ideal and to the best of our capacity, we want to remain it this way. But there are circumstances beyond our control w...

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smiling male caregiver showing information to her patient